We met with the transform this community 60+ times over the last 3 years during our workshops. This included conversations with at least 1000 people around the world. We covered the most disruptive, sustainable and innovation conundrums the humanity is facing today.
Based on an analysis of these conversations, we came to the conclusion that almost everyone in today's economy will need to re-skill or develop complementary skills to support innovation at their place of work. Regardless of the industry, this may include skills in one of following areas and more:
Research and development
Data and AI
We anticipate that an average professional will re-skill, or develop new skills at least once every two years in the new space-bound and sustainability focused economy.
We want to accelerate this journey for every individual around the globe.
We want to make learning & skills development a seamless, inclusive and results-oriented experience for every individual on the planet.
This is why we are re-launching transform me to help individuals around the globe targeting careers in sustainable and responsible innovation. Whether you are an experienced professional pivoting your career, or a new professional entering the marketplace, we will use data responsibly to enable the best possible outcome for your professional development goals.
If you are interested in outcome-based learning for best impact to your future career, book some time with us:
Our goal at GoEmerald and transform this is to combine human intelligence with technology and data to drive sustainable + responsible innovation. Obviously, humans are the central part of this equation. We look forward to enabling measurable learning and development outcomes for you towards a sustainable + responsible future.
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