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Transform This

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Post-Pandemic Innovation Platform

Circular Innovation DNA: For Individuals, Public Sector, Start-Ups and Enterprises.


For success and growth in the post-COVID world, organizations must change. This is the path towards innovation, fueled by data and disruptive technology. 'transform this' exists to ingrain circularity & responsible innovation into the DNA of organizations. We combine decision support tools, analytics, and responsible AI with human ingenuity to solve the most ambiguous space + circularity challenges:

  • We enable business and ecosystem innovation

  • We accelerate innovation ROI for organizations

  • We grow our community members into leaders who innovate responsibly


Join our global community and let's develop practical, innovative solutions to the real-world problems, in a responsible manner.


transform this Values

  • Building and sustaining a circular economy: on the Earth and in the Space.

  • Unbiased focus on developing resilient people, teams, organizations and economies

  • Cross-industry collaborations

  • Enabled by latest research and innovation 

  • Inclusive, diverse, multi-perspective and responsible on purpose

  • Authentic and transparent


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Early Stage Innovation (BETA)

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